Happy Fathers Day to Time, Chance and Random Gases

Every father’s day I remember the adage that says “Seeing a beautiful sunset is made much better when you know who to thank for it.” I always feel a bit sad when I think that millions of secularists don’t know who to thank. It always brings up the same question namely; who’s your daddy.

As father’s day approaches year by year we’re always thrust back into serious contemplation about our relationship with our fathers. That’s when I bring up one of my own pet theories about social science or what I call “The Father Search.” I don’t see any Nobel prizes coming my way for these musings but I’d be willing to bet that every human being on the planet is indeed in a search for their father. By now you already know I am not talking about the rare old man that you call dad.

Secular academicians may not have consciously borrowed an admonition from the Bible but somehow they have adopted the principle of it and have used it with great success. The admonition is found in Proverbs 22:6 and says “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

From the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial to the present, secularisms educators have had about eighty five years to train up our children in the way of the evolutionary model or Darwinism and it seems all but a few are not going to depart from it. Whether it is because they were afraid to be laughed at, ostracized, or worse is hard to say. More than likely they just wanted to get a passing grade or better so they just quietly towed the line.

Certainly few students would be inclined to ask their families or some benevolent foundation for a grant to research what their high school or undergraduate teachers have been teaching them. Getting a passing grade and fitting in with their peers was about all they could put on their plates at the time.

The curiosity of human kind cannot be bridled and coupled with the need for finding the truth rather than accepting the latest popular wisdom of the day some have fallen away from the evolutionary model. In fact since the advancement of creation science and the unchanged numbers of missing links in the alleged human chain things are going down hill for the Darwinists. Also conspicuously missing are answers to the question of why science has left the empirical method (repeatable, observable experimentation) and slid into prior philosophic postulation. (Faith in unobserved speculations) It is the un-answered, or should we say, the un-heeded questions that have created an army of those who can firmly say “we will not be moved.”

In the search for the source, the originator or the father of mankind the answers the evolutionary model offers are not only outside the definition of empirical science but they are unsatisfying. Something within each of us continues to weigh the preponderance and diversity of all the life on the planet earth and we can’t accept that a bolt of lightning hit the primordial ooze and out popped all this living and incredibly balanced and ecologically ordered living matter. It actually takes far more of the substance known as faith to believe in the evolutionary model.

In layman’s terms, after reviewing the facts we find it is less taxing to believe in God as creator of the universe. The secularist is afraid that we are trying to hang in mid-air from absolutely nothing, they think we are pinned to an abstract or a false construct that is about to crumble and fall at any given moment or at least at the moment we hear their arguments to the contrary.

We have a different substance that we stand on and it can, and actually has supported millions of people for a lifetime in any generation. The learned Apostle Paul said it best. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb 11:1) It is not the blind faith that secularist think we are standing on but a very visible faith. Now with the help of science every time a new discovery is made about our universe and our world we see a little bit more into the wonders of the mind of God.

The prophet Daniel said that near the end of time as we know it and just about the time of the return of the Savior that knowledge would be universally and exponentially increased. (Da 12:4) It took another eight centuries for the Apostle Paul to add to Daniel’s prophecy a detailed description of what that increased knowledge would create. In short Paul said “…Knowledge causes people to be puffed up (to bear themselves loftily and be proud.)” (1Cor 8:1 Amp)

Science has allowed man to look into the mind of God but pride has given man the idea that he can dismiss the works of God…or God himself! Perhaps that’s why Paul also penned this Holy Spirit inspired summary on the wisdom of men. “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Ro 1:22)

Does evolutionary science deserve to hold the lofty high place it now holds or does it seem more like a mad professor who is after all just a dumb cluck going around debating which came first the chicken or the egg?

The complexity of the human eye alone should be enough to forever answer the question of intelligent design but the spiritual rebellion fostered by human arrogance has to take all the credit for making the eye useless to those who will not see the truth. Little wonder that Christ exclaimed “For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.” (Mt 13:15)

It isn’t the debate about the closest link to homo erectus that really needs to be questioned but it goes much further back than that, say all the way to the big bang. If you think a seven day creation week is hard to believe try this.

Somewhere back in time the nebulous gasses and particulates aimlessly wandering around the universe came together, and then by pure chance perhaps a cosmic lightning bolt ignited the entire cloud in a big bang. Behold, the universe was born!

Let’s assume for a moment that this highly intelligent and cognitive speculation could be true. It begs the answer to one supremely important question, where did the gases and particles come from? Were they created or did each and every microcosmically tiny molecule or atom have its own micro-miniature big bang to create it? If the question sounds silly ponder the absurdity of the premise on which the big bang is founded. If there is no creator of anything, then who created the gases for the big bang? I’m sure that most evolutionists are hoping you won’t ask.

Since the question is out there now let’s consider yet one more important question. Could the particles and gases whose creator is unknown be figuratively considered to be the father of the universe? Could evolutionists wish the gases a warm and happy father’s day, could they worship the gases and could they request or pray that the great gaseous father of the universe might answer the question, who’s your daddy?

Every father’s day I am happy to remember one scripture verse that amazed me when I first read it and still does even after forty years. “Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God…” (1Jn 3:1)

If father’s day is a day of showing special honor to our dads then it should be a day for offering special honor to the Father of us all. We may need to lay aside the fickle notion of a big bang and draw aside into the big silence and there thank God for being the gracious Father that he is and will always be.

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Fall of Rome – Decline of the Roman Empire

Situated on the banks of river Tiber, Rome was a small town which over the years rose to become one of the most potent civilizations of the world. During the times of King Alexander of Macedonia, Rome was an important hub of philosophy, art, ethnicity and science. A major portion of agricultural and industrial advancement of that era owed its origin to this great empire.

After the demise of Great Alexander, Rome suffered at the hands of his Commandos, who split the country for personal selfish interests till 30 BC. In 750 BC, Rome was under the control of an Etruscan King. However, in 500 BC, the Etruscans were defeated by the Latins, who took over the reigns of the country in their hands. Gradually, Rome gained military strength owing to its constant fights with neighboring powers such as Greece, Carthage and Finish. The Romans aimed to increase their political boundary to provide better sustenance to the existing population.

Historical evidence attributes the fall of Roman Kingdom to an incident of suicide. A woman of high social strata was molested by Tarkius, the son of a Roman Emperor. Her husband Lucius T. Collatinus 2, along with his supporters initiated an agitation that culminated in the removal of Tarkians from Rome. However, the Etruscan rule also was not appreciated by the people and this resulted in the fall of the Roman Kingdom in 510 AD, after which Rome entered the era of Republican Rule that lasted for about 500 years.

The Roman Republic comprised of two fundamental sects of society. One was represented by the Senate symbolizing the high class Patricians and the other was Commissa Curiata encompassing the ordinary Plebeians. As a consequence of monarchy, the Patricians lived in luxury, while the Plebeians were constantly oppressed. Gradually, resentment against their exploitation led the Plebeians to unify and launch civil disobedience. The fear of the Plebeians establishing their sovereignty led the Patricians to surrender to their demands. As a result, more rights were granted to the Plebeians and social and economical equality prevailed in Rome.

The expansion of the political boundaries of Rome led to the three Punic Wars with Carthage. Rome’s various military campaigns resulted in subjugating kingdoms of Egypt, Syria, Macedonia and Trans Alpine Gall. However, this very greed of expansion led to the fall of the Roman Empire. The lack of administration and supervision of these mass provinces led to the emergence of corrupt Governors.

Anarchy prevailed in Rome after the civil rage during BC 73 initiated by Slave Spartacus. Supreme power passed into the hands of the military heads. The rule of Rome soon went into the hands of the legendary Julius Caesar and his associates, Pompeii and Crasus. However, a conspiracy by his own friend, Brutus led to his demise. The next ruler in line was Anthony, Caesar’s relative. His authority did not last long and finally Octavian, came to be known as Augusts Caesar, became the first emperor of Rome.

Thus, history reveals that the primary reason for the fall of the Roman Empire was the differe

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